DLI Properties LLC V. Hill (Published)
Appellate Division, Superior Court, California., Los Angeles County. September 17, 2018 29 Cal.App.5th Supp. 1 240 Cal.Rptr.3d 306
During the foreclosure crisis, tenants faced considerable challenges in paying rent, because the owner and managers of the properties changed repeatedly and the tenants were not informed of who had the right to demand and collect rent. As a result, the Legislature passed an amendment to Civil Code § 1962, which prevents a tenant from being evicted for nonpayment for rent that accrued during a period in which the landlord failed to provide the tenant information about who is the owner or manager and who is authorized to demand rent and act on the landlord’s behalf. Although the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of LA (incorrectly) held that the particular landlord in this case was not a “successor owner,” this case clarified the obligation of landlords to strictly comply with Civil Code § 1962 and has already resulted in many families winning their cases.